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Fixing Tech Tree: Ideas Discussion

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7 years ago
Nov 8, 2016, 2:38:39 PM
Kweel_Nakashyn wrote:

So basically, you took the spirit of that thread.


A mini devblog (maybe with just what you posted ?) would be very very welcomed I think because I think was the main discussed one since friday :)

On the target shape, it seems to be not 3 circle like that but 5 for the 5 Eras.

Nevertheless, with only 3 circles, did you considered :

- in the inner circle a button with "go to lower era"

- in the outer circle a button with "go to higher era"

When you press those buttons, it changes what is displayed in the middle circle.

In the middle circle all of an Era inventions & discoveries (with a display of which era it is, like "Era I, II or III...").

So you could have a lot more screen space to describe invention & discoveries in the middle circle, and outer and inner "navigation circles" could be smaller ? (inner circle could also be filled with an Era gauge ? and outer circle be filled by next invention costs ?).

I don't know if I'm very clear, but I think this would remove the need of zooming in that screen.

I'm sooooo happy and enthousiastic. I would love to try that :)

Reading this thread again, I come to this post. I support this GUI idea. If you want to go to this circle system (I suspect symilar to circles in hero skills), having a good way to navigate within eras / quadrants/ techs will be welcome.

If we have to do it without some help, navigating this tech tree will be hell. I suspect dev's are aware of this and something will be done, as ES1 has the zoom and EL/actual ES2 has tools to navigate btween eras, but I haven't read something about this.

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7 years ago
Nov 16, 2016, 10:46:27 AM

We'd love to deliver the Tech Tree changes for the update 2 but we are not sure if we can make it as it will require a considerable amount of work:

- Redesign of the whole UI
- Developping the UI once it's validated
- Design of the content of the Tech Tree
- Impacting the design of other features which are era-based.

As usual, we prefer to delay and deliver something of a proper quality instead of rushing it. We hope you understand!


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7 years ago
Nov 15, 2016, 5:24:17 PM
SilentMuse wrote:

I am 100% fine with era progression in separate trees long as they come with a beautiful tree and a massive number of options. Basically the old format, I know, but with this added development to increase the complexities and realism of the science. SCIENCE!

Again, as written above, they've already said they don't want to do a tree, they want to avoid dependencies. What you want is exactly what most of us are asking for, but hopefully the new system will leave the door open enough to mod it in ourselves.

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7 years ago
Nov 14, 2016, 11:11:57 PM

I am 100% fine with era progression in separate trees long as they come with a beautiful tree and a massive number of options. Basically the old format, I know, but with this added development to increase the complexities and realism of the science. SCIENCE!

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7 years ago
Nov 12, 2016, 5:00:01 PM
lo_fabre wrote:
Kweel_Nakashyn wrote:

So basically, you took the spirit of that thread.


A mini devblog (maybe with just what you posted ?) would be very very welcomed I think because I think was the main discussed one since friday :)

On the target shape, it seems to be not 3 circle like that but 5 for the 5 Eras.

Nevertheless, with only 3 circles, did you considered :

- in the inner circle a button with "go to lower era"

- in the outer circle a button with "go to higher era"

When you press those buttons, it changes what is displayed in the middle circle.

In the middle circle all of an Era inventions & discoveries (with a display of which era it is, like "Era I, II or III...").

So you could have a lot more screen space to describe invention & discoveries in the middle circle, and outer and inner "navigation circles" could be smaller ? (inner circle could also be filled with an Era gauge ? and outer circle be filled by next invention costs ?).

I don't know if I'm very clear, but I think this would remove the need of zooming in that screen.

I'm sooooo happy and enthousiastic. I would love to try that :)

Reading this thread again, I come to this post. I support this GUI idea. If you want to go to this circle system (I suspect symilar to circles in hero skills), having a good way to navigate within eras / quadrants/ techs will be welcome.

If we have to do it without some help, navigating this tech tree will be hell. I suspect dev's are aware of this and something will be done, as ES1 has the zoom and EL/actual ES2 has tools to navigate btween eras, but I haven't read something about this.

I also thought this was a great idea.  My initial reaction to dev post of that circle was one of disbelief that it could be implemented.  

The challenge to overcome is to somehow convey the information about the impact of pre-cursor techs and their "soft" influence on the current era's tech, as well as highlighting the techs in future eras that are related to the one scrolled over in the current era.

Perhaps that scroll-over box would be pretty huge and horizontal (considering there would be four other eras to illuminate.)


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7 years ago
Nov 11, 2016, 12:59:45 AM
HaxtonFale wrote:

Progress by quad plus dependencies is very nearly the old tech tree(s), so I'm eager to see how that looks in practice. We'll have to see how costs feel and what specifically gets put into the techs themselves.

Dependencies will likely need to be modded in later. They've already replied saying they don't want to do dependencies except in the odd circumstance where it'd be strictly necessary to maintain lore.

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7 years ago
Nov 10, 2016, 8:59:45 PM

Progress by quad plus dependencies is very nearly the old tech tree(s), so I'm eager to see how that looks in practice. We'll have to see how costs feel and what specifically gets put into the techs themselves.

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7 years ago
Nov 10, 2016, 8:21:00 PM
hibbidy_jibbidy wrote:

era progress by quad? sound pretty cool actually

Better than what we have at the moment, for certain. Hopefully once it's finalized we can force more dependencies on it to try and fake an actual tech tree.

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7 years ago
Nov 9, 2016, 11:02:43 PM
Kweel_Nakashyn wrote:


I think they will come with a nice screen anyway.

I suspect they will. They did in all previous games, and UI has alwas been very good in Amplitude games. But as actually we don't know much about it, it's making me anxious.

Sorry dev's if becoming tiresome...

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7 years ago
Nov 9, 2016, 6:54:58 PM

@lo_fabre Mmm, now they throwed in the hard/soft links, I'm not sure this is appropriate again. The thing is, it can't work like a 4-dimensions EL screen anymore since they now have links.

So I guess we'll have to zoom in / out again :s

(or, but this could be hard to design, have low era be pushed in background, and displaying low links by trasparency, but that would be super weird I guess).

Basically, they could just have two circles, too :

Inner circle with a 5 step 1/4 circle gauges, highlighted if accessable, and surrounded if selected. There you selects quadrant eras.

Outer circle with inventions in the selected Era. Links would go to the inner circle edge or the outer circle edge if they are coming from / to another Era. Links would be highlighted if the root invention is discovered.

The problem with that is the lack of general view, so you can long term plan a way from Era X to Era Y stuff. So you would still need a zoom in/out feature.

I think they will come with a nice screen anyway.

@Meedoc or someone who can reply :

You said it was not planned for update 1 (you're testing my will :p). There is also no plan for the science screen in the Improve List - Updates 1, 2, 3 and Release thread.

Not trying to sound restless (err... mkay, I am sooooo impatient on the subject in fact). But will it be ok for update say 2 ? 3 ?

Even with cuts like no whatever-advanced-or-awesome-stuff-you're-working-on ?

Do you have a working prototype ? Even with the old screen and a loosy display ?

Because the actual science screen, while practical, doesn't help to test that design.

If the engine behind it works, why not displaying a loosy text display with the old screen for us to test gameplay ?

I know the engine is so much work.

Honestly, I do. I'm a backoffice software ingeneer, plus as a geek writing hobbyI have to make design low-level changes in a dice & paper roleplaying game that I'm writing (and I fear that, low-level change #10, "let's restart again").

But if you have a crappy (working) prototype, I'd love to test that.

Or maybe you do you want somehow a final result and limiting non-final press screenshots ? (that would be also a very valid reason ?)

Let's be honest : I can't wait, in fact :p

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Nov 16, 2016, 11:57:21 AM

so in the end it's going to be a tree?

I really liked the tech tree from CIV : BE (beyond earth) the system with "main tech" (branches) and secondary tech (leaves) was really cool (it gives a great amount of balance between linking techs and leaving room for freedom)

Basicaly it's : main techs are linked toogheter and make the core of the tech system (one can see this as the research of a new technology paradigm or a breakthrough in a field of research). Once researched they allow for the research of any of it's leaves tech freely (they would be the uses found for the main tech, for instance in nthe current system the discovery of a new strategic would be a main tech and each of it's uses would be a branch (be it weapons or defense or other uses (for instance allowing new sources of energy thus leading to a new system improvement that produce dust etc)

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7 years ago
Nov 8, 2016, 12:42:17 AM

You should read my wall of text, Romeo :)

Hard limit trees makes edge duration problems by construction. Everyone wants to science up the faster they can. With hard limits, you have a optimal way. Soon, when numbers will be ironed, multiplayer players will find it.

So you may be the first in a game to find something, soon, everyone will find the same because everyone is on the same track.

The way Era works (in EL for exemple), you need to bypass some inventions for a long period in the game (unless you don't care to pay high science cost in later eras). You're making choices for a longer time there.

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Nov 7, 2016, 4:57:32 PM
Meedoc wrote:

We're going to use links, but our intention is not go to a full tree either. We consider links as a tool for:

  •   balancing: a stronger technology might require a previous technology
  •   lore: creating links between technologies help strenghten the universe and the scientific aspect of it.

Keep in mind that we're not considering only dependency links but also links that will for instance lower costs (so non-mandatory). Lots of players are in favor of soft barriers instead of hard barriers, another thing to consider.

Not trying to be disruptive here, as I'm actually very thankful for progress we've got regarding fixing the tech system, but I am curious as to why this is. The overwhelming majority of players specifically pointed to the tech tree as the gameplay highlight of Endless Space. What, in your/Amplitude's opinion, is the problem with linking logical dependencies with one another?

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7 years ago
Nov 7, 2016, 1:17:58 PM

Thank you for the answer :)

Mmm, I did not think about soft links and can't really imagine what would be the impacts.

If the cost for bypassing an invention's root with soft links is, say, "invention cost + (for exemple) 40% root cost", then maybe people would like to bypass if there's a tactical benefit doing so.

Especially if you can go back to the root invention later, for 60% of the base cost (for exemple).

(60%/40%... like 61% 39% golden ratio, yada yada)

-edit- mmm... If you have a "number of inventions" formula, that is a lot more complicated than this. Choosing to pay Era + 1 before Era + 0 would be a big discount.

Going full soft links would be interesting I guess, because you allready have hard limits with the Era's quadrants.

I can be very wrong here but having two different kind of limits with Era and hard links could lead to ergonomy problem (but I don't know if Era are still a hard limit in your system).

I wonder if Sophon's power, with the Scientist "law by default" combo still work after this changes ?

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Nov 7, 2016, 9:43:58 AM


Don't apologize for writing deep and interesting feedback :slightly_smiling_face:

We're going to use links, but our intention is not go to a full tree either. We consider links as a tool for:

  •   balancing: a stronger technology might require a previous technology
  •   lore: creating links between technologies help strenghten the universe and the scientific aspect of it.

Keep in mind that we're not considering only dependency links but also links that will for instance lower costs (so non-mandatory). Lots of players are in favor of soft barriers instead of hard barriers, another thing to consider.


I saw it indeed and will look at it; the concern I have for now is to explain clearly the quadrant unlock with these mechanics.


No, we'll need more time to refactor the whole tech tree; we will keep you posted!

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7 years ago
Nov 6, 2016, 3:49:36 PM
Meedoc wrote:

Hello dear players,

Thank you for all the feedback on the technology tree! We’re currently working on how we will make it evolve.

What we already have done in the current dev build:

  • Reworked the cost evolution to provide more freedom: within an era, the cost evolution is smoother than before, but the climb between two eras is steeper. Thus, you can more freely explore an era, and there are more incentives to go for older technologies.
  • Changed the unlock prerequisites: because of the changes on cost evolution, you now need to research technology from the last era to unlock the next one.

What we want to do:

  • Change the shape back to a disc, as it was in Endless Space:

It will have consequences on:

  • How Eras will progress. We’re still discussing how it will work but there are two main options:
    • We keep the current system of global eras
    •  the era progress will be by quadrant

  • The presence of links between technologies: so far we didn’t implement it even if it’s doable in terms of gameplay as we first wanted to draw the global picture, and the current shape isn’t the best for this kind of mechanics. Going back to a disc shape will allow us to add more links between technologies, and even between technologies of different eras.


I suggested a compromise earlier where era progress is global, but unlocking a quadrant in one era gives research discounts for the corresponding quadrant from the next era. To my mind, this system will incentivise specialisation while getting rid of the need to research obsolete techs to progress.

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7 years ago
Nov 5, 2016, 8:26:08 AM

Sorry, sorry, 1000x sorry to devs for that wall of text, but I think you should read it.

I really hope we get to test this before there's actual links between techs. Here is the reason.

I'll recreate what I wanted to say before the post was eaten by my session the other day.

Say, as an hypothesis, there's 6 inventions to discover in each Era's quadrant.

Say also that to access to a higher quadrant era, you need 4 discoveries on 6.

Say in the end that science costs are 2 ^ (Era of the discovery - 1) x 100 x (1 + number of discoveries in this quadrant) x 1.61.

That formula is there only to illustrate with numbers, it's totally arbitrary. 1.61 is the golden ratio you will have between costs inside within an Era in a given quadrant (personal gamedesign preference here).

Numbers are just here to find and illustrate the differences between a Tree system and an Era system.

In that Era by quadrant science system, the quickest way to have full Era 5 would be finding 4/6 in Era 1, then 4/6 in Era 2, then 4/6 in Era 3, then 4/6 in Era 4 then finding Era 5.

Then, the quickest to find all the quadrant would be to find remaining stuff in Era 5, then Era 4, then 3, then 2 then 1.

In this exact order.

Aka, playing a lot of time in the game with early stuff from Era 1 missing. Aka making development choices lasting a long time.

The costs would be :

Era 1: (161 per discovery) => 161, 322, 483, 644

Era 2: (322 per discovery) => 1610, 1932, 2254, 2576

Era 3: (644 per discovery) => 5796, 6440, 7084, 7728

Era 4: (1288 per discovery) => 16744, 18032, 19320, 20608

Era 5: (2576 per discovery) => 43792, 46368, 48944, 51520.

Finding 6/6 in Era 5 would be 54096, 56672.

Then going down:

Era 4: 29624, 30912

Era 3: 16100, 16744

Era 2: 8694, 9016

Era 1: 4669, 4830.

Ok, so, this is the quickest way possible through the quadrant.

Let's say now, a player is in Era 4 after discovery 3. And he need (because he misplanned) something in Era 2 in the same quadrant.

He found 15 discoveries. To find his stuff, it would cost (15+1) x 322 = 5152.
Now he found 16 discoveries, he can go back to Era 4 stuff. The next invention would cost 21896 instead of 20608, because he have 1 discovery more than the shortest route.

The penalty doing this is costing 1288 more in Era 4 and 2576 more in Era 5. Then going down, 644 more from Era 3.

That's it for the penalties from an Era system.

Now, say there's a tree / link system. He need something left in Era 2 in the same quadrant.
That would force him to find all the root inventions of the thing he need in Era 2 => from the Era 4 scenario, that would cost him (1288 + 2576) x (1 + numbers of roots) + cost of unneeded root(s) + 644 x (1 + roots) from going down the tree + 322 x (roots) going down the tree.

Aka a lot more : the delta between the method is (1288 + 2576 + 644 + 322) x roots + cost of roots.

Going to 6/6 in Era 6 would need the player to find all the roots before. So actually this is scripting totally the choices of progression in the tree because links force this.

The player would want to progress the higher in quadrant Eras first with 4/6, until he's blocked by missing roots. Then unlock roots to unlock remaining stuff in his Era, so he gets 4/6 inventions and move on to Era +1.

This is meaning that all players makes the same choices, because someone will end to calculate the "best" science route.
Sophon's bonus take a hit because people choice the same route.

That's why I personally doesn't like links between techs. This is scripting choices, with non-tactical discoveries. You end to not choose what you need, but what you "have to" learn to stay competitive.

If you let the players having to choose freely without links there, then your player's "best route" is going to full Era 5 before going to 4 then 3 then 2 then 1. It means they played a lot in the game missing 2 basic stuff from Era 1. This is making real choices. They choose their disadvantages and they last a long time.

Now anyone could argue that a tree system makes people choose their advantages. But immediately after, a competitor would choose the same advantage so he can progress as fast in the tree. There is less edge in your choices. Because they don't last long.

Decoupling quadrants like here could lead to "advanced specialist pwn me" problems. I hope military guys will have problems from production / dust / science before blindly rushing to Era 5 military : this is really (really really) hard to balance here.

There, Era balancing should be watch under violence term and time to achieve the means of that violence.
Era 5 military can be strong, yes, but Era 5 diplomatics need to be as violent, with as quick means as Era 5 military stuff.

Ideally, say, a Era 3.5 military + Era 3.5 diplomatics combo need to be as violent as Era 5 military or Era 5 diplomatics. Or less violent but quicker.

If Amplitude doesn't balance this, then the game will end to be a race for "who go first to whatever era 5 is broken", and Sophon will win at this because they are snowballing in science.

Here, 3 / 6 tech could have prerequisites from Era in another quadrant. Say this Era 3 military tech needs, on top of Military Era 2, Diplomatics Era 2.

So to go to Era 4 military, you need Dust 0 / Science 0 / Diplomatics 2 to find that missing Military 3 tech / Military 3 (with 4/6).

But you could do Dust 2 / Science 0 / Diplomatics 0 / Military 3 choosing the other tech with the Dust Era 2 needs.

Also, say in military Era 4 to go to 5, you could have two invention asking Dust 3, two invention asking Diplomatics 3 and two invention asking Science 3. Here's the magic of why that arbitrary "4 / 6 to pass a quadrant Era" :)

=> Mr "Military pwn boy" would have Military 5 but also say Dust 3 & Diplomatics 3, having trouble with slow science.

Or, Mr "Military pwn faster boy" would have Military 5 and also say Science 3 & Dust 3, having trouble with his diplomacy.

This way you could ask a player to not be a full specialist and at the same time avoid Tree edge duration problems that I explained.

(if unclear, just ask. Beer proposal from my Sophon lobby is still here :p but you could ask also the opinion of an intern database ingeneer for exemple : they solves those problems all day and have XP to share).

In conclusion:
A Tree system is aimed for completionnists players, looking for each stuff they can do before moving on to the next area. That is making late stuff rarer.

An Era by field system is aimed for competitive players, looking to have an edge over the opponents because they choose something better suiting that game in early Eras. This is making early stuff rarer (and important decisions).

There's a middle way here. The links between techs could be ON/OFF with a server option. This way everyone is happy. :)

The gamedesign of this is a total free choice for Amplitude but I think there is consequences for the players they look for.

Updated 7 years ago.
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